What is Mindset Coaching?
From the Perspective of Avis Cherie'
Transformational Mindset Healing and Coaching, is the ability to readjust how we perceive and transmit things we encounter and reprogram our thoughts to immediately remove stumbling blocks or doubt and Shift the Load from Cumbersome to Conquerable.
How I Work, Assess and Marry Your Desired Outcome with my Gifts and Purpose:
- First and Foremost, I Pray that I am Released to Be a Servant Leader in your Situation or the Refer You to In-Network Leader Equipped to Assist
- Commitment that we are BOTH going to show up and do THE WORK.
- Empathetic Listening, problem solving, coping and resolution skills.
- *Reality Therapeutic Approach*
- Identify Areas of Necessary Healing, Forgiveness & Understanding and Redirect Your Reactive Modes of Functioning to PROACTIVENESS!
- Identify and Dig Up Your Roots of Debilitation
- Pass on Guilt Shaming & Permission to Pat Yourself on the Back.
- Empowerment Toolkit
- Weekly One-on-One, Blueprint to Emotional Wealth and Development and Spiritual Soundness.
- Reassessing Beliefs & Values
- Short Term Accomplishable Goals WITH Long Term Effects and Evidence of Transformation.